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My Experience as A Public Educator

...and what to do about it.

Exploring Education Advocacy

Why This Matters

When I stepped into the classroom as a teacher, I discovered the opportunity that was before my students should I be provided the resources and autonomy to motivate inquiry.

What I Discovered

The centralized organizational model in Public Education that dictates time, curricula, and hierarchical political structure gets in the way of the critical relationship between the teacher, school community and the student.

What I Learned in the School House

My experience as a teacher and school administrator has shown me that the most significant impact on student learning opportunity comes from teaching that is relationship oriented in the vigorous pursuit of knowledge.

What Needs to Happen

It is critical that our communities recommit to public schools. Greater teacher autonomy and instructional support cannot happen through decentralized funding from the private sector. All funding derived from the American taxpayer dedicated to education should go to the school house.

My Purpose

I am here to tell my story about the public school classroom. Not because it is important to me, but to highlight the significance of individual stories for the intellectual, emotional, and social development for anyone who encounters the school house.

Contact Information for bonneresque

Please feel free to reach out for more information about my fiction and non fiction projects, public education advocacy. I look forward to connecting with you.



Advocating for public schools from the perspective of a school practitioner

Paul A. Bonner

Copyright 2024. Paul Bonner. All Rights Reserved